More Releases, or High Time for a New Post

I really should post something new! First, thank you to all of the readers who emailed me about Calder. I am happy to hear you liked his story! I turned in a short story about Eland (a Shareem who popped up briefly in Aiden & Ky), and I'm working on Braden's.
News: I'm working on overhauling my website with new graphics, info on new series, and other cool stuff. Please bear with me the next few weeks while I get it up and running. I'll try to make the transition painless.
I'll be at Lora Leigh's RAW this weekend, signing books! The bookseller has ordered a ton of my books both as Allyson James and Jennifer Ashley, so there should be plenty to choose from. She should have my two October releases as well: Hot for the Holidays (as Allyson James), and A Christmas Ball, as Jennifer Ashley.
Actually, I think all of the Hot for the Holidays authors will be at RAW, so it's a chance to have it autographed by everyone!
As Jennifer Ashley, I was asked to contribute a short story to Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance II, which hits the shelves today! I was reading the editor's introduction in the book (which I hadn't seen before), and she explains why vampire romance can be really dark. So what did I write? A light and funny vamp story! LOL! Ah, well, it should provide for some comic relief. It really is silly, but romantic and fun.
Have a good week! I'm working frantically on my end, which is why my blogs are quiet.