Saturday, July 31, 2010


I am still at Nationals--one more day! So if you've emailed me and I haven't replied, this is why. I'll be catching up next week. Having a great time, seeing all my friends--Carolyn Jewel, Jade Lee, Regina Scott, Bonnie Vanak, and many more.
On Thursday night, my Allyson James self won a couple Passionate Plume award (Passionate Ink Chapter):

1st place, futuristic: Tales of the Shareem: Calder
1st place, paranormal: Mortal Seductions
2nd place, paranormla: Mortal Temptations

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Where/What I'm Signing at RWA National

Wednesday, July 28 5:30-7:30PM "Readers for Life" Literacy autographing. Open to the Public. Dolphin Hotel at the Swan and Dolphin resort, Orlando.

I have been told I'll have STORMWALKER and LADY ISABELLA'S SCANDALOUS MARRIAGE and/or possibly Shareem: AIDEN & KY (I never really know what I'll have until I sit down at the table.)

If you don't see me sitting as ALLYSON JAMES check under JENNIFER ASHLEY.

All proceeds from this signing go to literacy. The publishers are donating the books--keep your receipt because you can write off your purchase as a charitable donation. It's a good cause! Which equals shopping without guilt!

There were be 400 or so authors there, so come and have a great time.

Berkley Signing: Friday July 30, 3:00-4:30PM (registered attendees only)

I have been told I'll have STORMWALKER and LADY ISABELLA'S SCANDALOUS MARRIAGE to sign. Again, look for me as both Jennifer Ashley and Allyson James.

I don't know how many Berkley authors will be there--probably about 20-30 of us. Best of all, these books are FREE.

Additional: If you have backlist of mine that you bring with you, I'm happy to sign them. Check the literacy signing for restrictions or special instructions for bringing in books you already own. If you see me wandering about, feel free to stop me and ask me to sign. I don't mind as long as I'm not rushing late to an appointment.

The tall man following me about will be my dh. He's lovely and doesn't bite (much).

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Great Announcement: Aiden & Ky in Print!

Yesterday, Ellora's Cave released Tales of the Shareem: Aiden & Ky in print!! With a beautiful new cover! It is orderable here:

Also, EC tells me I will have this book available at the literacy signing at RWA Nationals (on Wed. 28th, 5:00-7:00 PM, Orlando, FL; Swan and Dolphin resort).

Yay! I have been wanting to see this book in print for some time. Very excited it's finally out.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Musings on True Blood's Color Schemes

I've faithfully watched all episodes of all seasons of TB thus far, and as I watched the latest episode, I got to thinking about color. It might just be HBO's broadcast, or my television, but TB has a black-and-white feel, with touches of color to emphasize certain characters or to play with viewer emotion.

For example, the vampires mostly wear black, white, silver, and shades of gray, with the few touches of color in their clothes or settings being red. See the pic of Eric here (with Pam? or the queen? behind him) to see what I mean. Likewise Fangtasia has a black, white, and red theme. "Behind the scenes" of Fangtasia everything is gray, beige--bland industrial colors, which contrasts "reality" with the image Eric wants to project in the bar itself.

Bill's house is mostly shades of faded gray and cream (I so long to go in there with a paint roller) and always dim, night or day.

The richest colors in the whole show are in Merlotte's bar. There you get warmth mostly from wood, plus the oranges and yellows of the decor. Sam always wears soft clothes--paid shirts and jeans. In fact, everything about Sam is soft and warm (mmm hmm).

Sookie's house is full of creams and light colors, almost like sweetness and light. The most colorful abode of all is Lafayette's, and it's no accident that he is a colorful, vibrant character (and gets the best lines).

Anyone else notice things like this? (Or care, LOL?)

Color and tone can make us perceive emotion when it's not there (or enhance emotion that is). Cold, fearful, angry, tense, warm, happy. I like that the creators of the show took the time on such detail.

(And I enjoy the excuse to post pictures of Eric and Sam.)

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