Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cool new vid for The Dragon Master

I just got a very cool video for The Dragon Master, which is posted on my main website: I love book vids! I'm always so excited the day my designer sends me a new one.

Counting down the days to the official release of The Dragon Master, which is November 4. Yay!

I haven't been around much lately, because I keep traveling, plus writing frantically in between. Last week I went to Alabama to the Books-a-Million trade fair, then turned around and went to Seattle for the Emerald City writer's conference.

I used to think that an author did nothing but write books, but you get sent hither and yon to sign books, give workshops, hand out promo materials, and the like. It's fun, but I'm always happy to get back home to the keyboard. I'll be working on nothing but Allyson James stuff for the next couple of months--fine by me! I like writing the heat. :-) More about all that later. :-) :-)



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