Saturday, September 01, 2012

Updates on Nightwalker

Yes, it's getting there! I'm working my way through the draft, revising it at the same time as writing and turning in novellas and books for my Jennifer Ashley persona. I'm about 2/3 done with the revisions of NW, after which I'll turn it over to a copy editor.

If all goes well, I hope to pub this later this month, around the 20th. I'll update with a firmer date when I know it.

The book will be up in all e-book forms, with a print edition available through Amazon as well. No pre-orders are possible, but I'll post as soon as it's ready (here and everywhere else). You can join my Allyson James newsletter for an announcement when the book is out here:

or send me an email: allysonjames @ cox . net  [no spaces]

Also, check out my Jennifer Ashley webpage, for the new Shifters short novel, Hard Mated, which is out in e-, soon to be in print!

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At 6:45 PM, Blogger Louise said...

Yay! Looking forward to more Janet and Mick and the gang.

At 6:17 PM, Blogger Jen Twimom said...

Gah! I'm so excited! I need to make space on the review schedule ASAP!! Thanks for the update!

At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so excited. You write Janet and Mick's books with such a great mix of suspense, action, and good old fashioned sex appeal! I'm glad you are feeling better. Thanks for the update!


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